Tuesday, January 26, 2010

WHO can teach SELF REALIZATION better than yourself?

My 9 year old daughter is a philanthropist at heart! As I contemplated a few business opportunities that I have have considered persuing, my daughter interjected . . . "Mom, you already are a successful business woman. You're business is to be with us." I couldn't have said it any more eloquently.

I never knew I would enjoy homeschooling my two children this much. It never occurred to me that this was even an option. When it came time to begin considering schools for my daughter's new adventure, it suddenly occurred to me that what I had in mind, a school where you touch, taste and feel life, where your individuality is appreciated and encouraged, where the whole of you is honored and each day unfolds amongst the natural world that we live within, didn't ex

ist within a 40 mile radius. And, a heavy morning commute on a busy freeway, was not something I wanted my children to experience as a way of life in the rythm of their day.

It was then that I realized we would continue on with our daily adventures, exploring, living, learning and laughing together. No school bus, no lunches to pack, no 8 hour time lapses between us all. And the journey began to unfold.

"How long will you do this?" Was a common question asked of me. As long as we all are enjoying it, I would say. "What about socialization?" so many would inquire. Socialization is the least of our worries as we befriend everyone, everywhere, not specific to our grade or age. The world is open to receive us and there is no bell to ring to stop us from discovery and wonder.

We take it year by year, month by month and day by day. It's an amazing journey of self discovery for us all. We are all learning about life, relationships, the world around us, how it impacts us on a whole and, most importantly, learning about ourselves. Learning who we are, what we like, dislike, love, devour, cherish and yearn for. It's a journey of SELF REALIZATION at it's best. We aren't waiting until our adult life to learn this one. It's right here, right now, ready to be discovered.

It's the most real life learning experience that I can offer my children - we learn as we go. Welcome to our daily life full of fun filled adventures and a discovery of self!

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